Dry Rot Repair

Don't Ignore Your Dry Rot Problem

Rely on us for dry rot repair services throughout the Fremont, CA area

It's important to get dry rot repaired in a timely manner because it can spread rapidly through wooden structures. That's why Campos Construction provides dry rot repair services in Fremont, CA and the surrounding areas. We'll fix any wood in your property that's been exposed to prevent the rot from affecting an even larger area of your home.

Get in touch with us now to arrange for dry rot repair services.

  • A wooden beam is being removed from the roof of a building.

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  • A pink garage door is being removed from a house.

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  • A close up of a wooden structure with a pipe coming out of it.

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Trust our skilled team to address your leak

In addition to what we can do to repair dry rot, we can also help you avoid dealing with rot altogether by fixing leaks quickly. We offer water leak remediation services for:

  • Roofs
  • Pipes
  • Cracked stucco

Reach out to Campos Construction today to find out more about our water leak remediation services.

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